目前分類:關於繪本 & 讀本 (331)

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還好這次都有收穫,美蘭沒有像之前那麼三心二意的 (很好~很好~有進步!!)


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這也是我會說 " 又是一本讓我看了想哭的日文雜誌"的原因

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這禮拜的story class 給孩子們讀了這本繪本 - We're going on a bear hunt

在同一天講了7次同樣的故事 (幼幼班和一年級的小朋友)


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People who can't stop drinking are called alcoholic. People who can't stop buying things are called shopholic. And I call myself - pictureobookholic for the reason that I can't stop buying picture books.

I think learning English through picture books is the most interesting way for young children. And I hope my work will always more or less relate to picture books telling.

I am trying to sort out of the picture books I have currently as I am getting confused with my collections. Got to get it done before moving to Hsin Chu so I can put them nicely in the bookshelf that Joe is going to prepare for me.

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Every time when I read a picture book to my kids, I always have a goal to achieve, such as teaching new vocabulary, or certain concepts.

Today I read a picture book - The Crocodile and the Dentist to my Grade 1 kids. The story is simple and straightforward so I decided to spend more time on the vocabulary that I want to teach them.

Through the story, the kids leared these 3 words -

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POOKA 是一本專門介紹繪本 (picture books 的日文雜誌

在博客來網站上看到POOK出版了一本 "趣味繪本人氣精選"當下就馬上買了下來


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There are two things I am obsessed with - one is picture books and the other is  bags. Unfortunately, both of them are costly and always cost me fortune.

I spent some time at the children's book department in 中友誠品店 last night. Too bad that I couldn't buy all the books I wanted last night so I could only take away some of them with me.

There is one picture book that when I saw it I wanted to buy it instantly coz it drew me back to my childhood memory. I can't remember where I saw it or who read it to me, but surely I want to have it so I can read it to my kids.

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Bedtime Stories


  • Reading together is fun!
  • A story at bedtime relaxes your child
  • Reading and telling stories will help develop your child's imagination
  • Your child will look forward to bedtime
  • Reading at bedtime will set your child on the path to becoming a lifelong reader
  • A bedtime reading routine is an opportunity for quiet time with your child



  • Set a routine to establish familiarity.
  • A bedtime story should help your child sleep, so keep this in mind when choosing a book to read or a story to tell.
  • Falling asleep before the end of a story is frustrating. Plan to finish the story (or chapter) before your child is too tired to participate.
  • If you are reading a longer book, try to stop at the end of a chapter or section break within a chapter.
  • Keep the bedtime reading ritual to around twenty minutes, give or take.
  • Children love to revisit favorite books. Indulge them--reading at bedtime is about relaxation. Eventually your child will ask for a new story.


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繼昨天的non-stop storying telling後

一年級可愛的孩子今天看到我一進教室就滿心歡喜的叫著 "Story Lady"

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原本學校計劃好的戶外教學因為颱風的關係被取消了,只好臨時找另外一個同事和我幫孩子上課.所以今天上了八堂的story class. 雖然喜歡講故事,但是連續講了八堂課 我的喉嚨很不開心.

收藏的繪本裡有一本我好喜歡,喜歡到想要把它當作傳家之寶給他傳下去. 書名是 "The Diary of Hansel and Gretel". 它是由"糖果屋"的故事所改寫的一本立體書 (Pop-up Book).藉由Gretel寫日記的方式來敘述這個故事.孩子每次看到這本書都會很興奮,因為它是立體的, 所以對他們來說很稀奇.對於我,它不只是設計生動,還因為Gretel (妹妹)在改寫的故事裡聽起來"很大人",讓我覺得很有趣!


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