
Do it for fun   

這影音檔讓我看了心裡好激動, 而讓我激動的原因是想到坐在椅子上的孩子可能因為這場座談的內容而激發起對寫作或閱讀的興趣,那對那個孩子來說是件多麼幸運的事情呀!  想想我們小時候坐在禮堂裡或站在操場上聽的演講有幾個可以讓我們聽得入神的! 希望現在孩子们聽的演講比我們那時代有趣,有激勵人心許多!

"Hand on the bridge feel the rhythm of the train.

Hand on the window feel the rhythm of the rain.

Hand on your throat feel the rhythm of your talk.

Hand on your leg feel the rhythm of your walk.

Hand in the sea feel the rhythm of the tide.

Hand on your heart feel the rhythm inside.

Hand on the rhythm feel the rhythm of the rhyme.

Hand on your life feel the rhythm of time. (x3)"




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