這本繪本的構思很有創意 - 當人類父母跟自己的孩子說哪些是不能,不對,不行做的事情換成到動物的世界裡頭就都變成了爸爸媽媽眼裡可以做的事情囉!
像是豬媽媽會跟孩子說: “孩子,隨便你要吃什麼都可以吃喔!”
而到了晚上蝙蝠爸爸會跟孩子說: “孩子,你可以整個晚上都醒著不睡覺喔!”

繪本裡的最後一句是個附加問句,所以在這裡順帶一提還滿實用的附加問句(tag questions)音調規則: 當附加問句的音調上揚,這聽起來就是個問題,所以聽的人須作回答; 而當附加問句的音調下沉,那僅就是個說明,並不是真的要聽的人回答問題喔!
"We can change the meaning of a tag question with the musical pitch of our voice. With rising intonation, it sounds like a real question. But if our intonation falls, it sounds more like a statement that doesn't require a real answer."

Example 1: You don't know where my wallet is, do you? (rising)  It's a real question.
Example 2: It's a beautiful view, isn't it? (falling)  It's not a real question.




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