There are two things I am obsessed with - one is picture books and the other is  bags. Unfortunately, both of them are costly and always cost me fortune.

I spent some time at the children's book department in 中友誠品店 last night. Too bad that I couldn't buy all the books I wanted last night so I could only take away some of them with me.

There is one picture book that when I saw it I wanted to buy it instantly coz it drew me back to my childhood memory. I can't remember where I saw it or who read it to me, but surely I want to have it so I can read it to my kids.

Good books last forever just like good friends do. And I am glad that I was luck to find this one last night.


pic 1 -  The cover of "Miki's First Errand"

pic 2 -  one of the pages...


Information about the picture book:

這本書的中文版叫做「第一次上街買東西」。故事是敘述五歲的小女孩Miki,突然被媽媽指派工作到商店買牛奶。Miki平常會跟媽媽上街,但自己一個人去,還是第一次! 她和所有五歲的小朋友一樣,喜歡幫爸媽做事,她大膽地接下工作,興奮的走出家門,但是越走心裡越害怕,尤其一輛速度很快的腳踏車,讓Miki的勇氣一點一點消失。有時候,孩子會為了在同儕中有更好的表現,硬著頭皮做一些原本不太有把握的事。這種看似冒險的做法,會是學習突破自我的契機。 

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