People who can't stop drinking are called alcoholic. People who can't stop buying things are called shopholic. And I call myself - pictureobookholic for the reason that I can't stop buying picture books.

I think learning English through picture books is the most interesting way for young children. And I hope my work will always more or less relate to picture books telling.

I am trying to sort out of the picture books I have currently as I am getting confused with my collections. Got to get it done before moving to Hsin Chu so I can put them nicely in the bookshelf that Joe is going to prepare for me.





只好買個DIY的箱子繼續擺 ( 突然發現烘頭髮的工具也入鏡了.不好意思)



And these books are waiting to be sorted on my desk. 


-aholic, -oholic (suffix) -  unable to stop doing or taking something.



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