最近說了這個故事 - Dog's Colorful Day: A Messy Story about Colors and Counting
真的不曉得孩子到底學了有多少 V______V""""
所以當我問說 "What's the color of the ice cream that dropped on Dog?"
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Review From Publishers Weekly
The hero of this pleasant concept book is a plump sausage of a canine: "As you can see, Dog is white with one black spot on his left ear." But by the end of the day, he has turned into a veritable canvas of 10 colorful spots, nine of which have nothing to do with genetics. "Dog follows a little boy with chocolate," writes Dodd (What Does It Look Like?), after Dog has accumulated three other spots of, respectively, red jam, blue paint and grass stain. "The boy gives Dog a chocolaty pat--but no chocolate. Now Dog has five spots." After a recap of all the pooch's spots, and a bath by Dog's owner (who accidentally added the 10th spot of purple marker), Dog returns to his natural look, with that one original spot, cuddled contentedly in his basket and dreaming of multicolored bones. Dog's zaftig physique and wide-eyed good humor are doggone charming, while the combinations of thick, scraggly black outlines and dense swathes of digitally applied candy-color make every encounter with a new spot pop off the page. Ages 2-5.
Review From School Library Journal
PreS-Gr 1-This book pulls together colors, counting, sounds, and the simple adventures of a lovable pup. Dog, who is white with one black spot on his ear, spends the day from breakfast to bedtime getting into mischief and into a variety of cumulative messes. Red jam gives him two additional spots; blue paint, three; green grass, four; and so on, until he is covered with 10 spots of various colors, each of which makes a unique sound as it hits his coat: "swish," "splosh," "splurt." When he is given a bath at last, he is clean and single-spotted, and he crawls into bed to dream of colorful bones. Dodd's full-page cartoon illustrations with computer-assisted hues are vibrant, snappy, and exciting. Placement of text, sound words, and goofy Dog himself on each page is humorous and satisfying. A multifaceted concept book and a charming story to boot.-Beth Tegart, Oneida City Schools, NY