想著教短母音i的時候要使用的讀本,剛好有馬麻留言說想聽之前介紹過的Fish Wish的影音檔,所以我就把它補上來囉!


Reading Level: Ages 4~8

一直很喜歡I’m Going to READ!這個系列的讀本 因為它的畫風大都精緻可愛(前面兩個字我覺得很重要.這對孩子的美感養成多少會有影響,所以不能隨便選本書來打發孩子喔!),這系列文字雖然簡單但是故事內容還是能寫得很有趣. 每次和孩子讀這一系列的讀本,孩子都滿開心的. 選對了繪本或讀本無形中加深孩子對英文的學習興趣,不漸漸喜歡它都很難吧! 所以重點還是先興趣的培養,而不是在計較孩子會背多少單字或說多少的句子. 學習這件事, “來得重要許多!

博客來還有推薦更多讀本可以供爸爸媽媽做選擇喔! 有空可以研究一下J!


今天和家教的小二孩子讀的這本Fish Wish 是屬於Level 1的程度. 重覆運用的單字大約在50個左右. 故事內容在敘述一隻小熊希望可以釣到一隻很大的魚,可是過程中卻釣到了一些有的沒有的東西. 最後他以為他真的釣到了一隻大魚,費了好大把勁拉上來一看卻只是隻minnow (= small fish)而已.



I have my line and my worm.

I want to catch the biggest fish in the lake.

I pick a spot. I hook a worm.

I drop my line. And I wait. And I wait. And I wait.


Oh,boy! I have something. I pull in my line.

Oh, no! It’s not a fish! It’s a sneaker(球鞋)!


I stand in the lake. I drop my line. I wish for a fish. And I wait.

Oh, boy! I have something. It’s heavy. I pull in my line.

Oh, no! It’s not a fish. It’s not a sneaker! It’s a shirt (上衣)!


I sit in my boat. I drop my line. I wish for a fish. A very big fish!

And I wait. And I wait. And I wait.

Oh, boy! I have something.

It’s heavy. Very heavy! I pull it in.

Oh, no! It’s not a fish. It’s not a sneaker! It’s not a shirt! It’s a tube(救生圈)!


I stand on the dock. I drop my line. I wish for a fish.

I still want to catch the biggest fish in the lake.

I have something! It’s wiggly. Very wiggly(蠕動)!

It must be a big, very big, very, very big fish!

Help! Help!

Help me pull in my line.

I have a big, very big, very, very big…


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