Wendy錄的影音檔: 小三孩子一起錄的聲音檔: 今天給小三團體班的孩子讀了這本繪本 – Twenty-Four Robbers. 課前做的準備是把裡面的文字打在一張紙上,因為我想幫孩子錄音,讓他們聽聽看自己唸故事的感覺. 當孩子知道今天要做的活動是錄音都超級興奮的,還要求我要在錄音前先讓他們多練習幾次. 我們最後總共錄了三次.前面2次孩子都覺得自己唸得不夠好,所以請我把它們給刪掉. 孩子能這麼投入是我事先沒有料想到的. 我覺得教書能不時從孩子那得到這種小驚喜是讓我最開心的事, 所以再怎麼辛苦也要堅持下去! 故事的內容在敘述24個強盜先後搶了一個婦人的 hot peppers (辣椒), corn (玉米), flour(麵粉). 因為婦人對強盜有求必應,什麼都給了他們,讓強盜發現其實懂得“分享和施與”才是最棒的. 所以最後強盜們用搶來的東西燉了一鍋食物跟婦人分享. 內文如下: Not last night, but the night before… Twenty-four robbers came a-knocking at my door. I asked them what they wanted. And this is what they said… “H-O-T… Hot Peppers!!!” I gave them my peppers, and then they rode away. But twenty-four robbers came back the next day. I asked them what they wanted, And this is what they said… “H-O-T… Hot Peppers!!!” I didn’t have peppers, so they took a cob of corn, And twenty-four robbers said “ See you in the morn!” Just this morn, not the morn before, Twenty-four robbers came a-knocking at my door. I asked them what they wanted, and this is what they said… “C-O-R-N…corn!” I didn’t have corns, but I had a little flour. They put it in their sack and said “See you in an hour!” Not this hour, but the hour before, Twenty-four robbers came a-knocking at my door. I opened my door. I saw they had a pot. And twenty-four robbers said “We like you a lot!”“You gave us your peppers! You gave us your corn! You gave us your flour, early in the morn!” Now here is what they did, and this is all true. They gave me a pot of hot pepper stew. “H-O-T…HOT peppers!” 此外,也利用了內文讓孩子找rhyming words(押韻的字). 例如: before-door; away-day; corn/morn…etc. 還學了 –ew的發音( stew / new / few / chew). 感覺孩子今天學得很充實,我自己也教得很開心. 畢竟能讓孩子主動要求一唸再唸的事情也不是每天發生. So that’s the highlight of my day ^^! 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 分享在我的 Facebook 分享在我的 Plurk 分享在我的即時通
今天給小三團體班的孩子讀了這本繪本 – Twenty-Four Robbers. 課前做的準備是把裡面的文字打在一張紙上,因為我想幫孩子錄音,讓他們聽聽看自己唸故事的感覺. 當孩子知道今天要做的活動是錄音都超級興奮的,還要求我要在錄音前先讓他們多練習幾次. 我們最後總共錄了三次.前面2次孩子都覺得自己唸得不夠好,所以請我把它們給刪掉. 孩子能這麼投入是我事先沒有料想到的. 我覺得教書能不時從孩子那得到這種小驚喜是讓我最開心的事, 所以再怎麼辛苦也要堅持下去!
故事的內容在敘述24個強盜先後搶了一個婦人的 hot peppers (辣椒), corn (玉米), flour(麵粉). 因為婦人對強盜有求必應,什麼都給了他們,讓強盜發現其實懂得“分享和施與”才是最棒的. 所以最後強盜們用搶來的東西燉了一鍋食物跟婦人分享.
Not last night, but the night before…
Twenty-four robbers came a-knocking at my door.
I asked them what they wanted.
And this is what they said…
“H-O-T… Hot Peppers!!!”
I gave them my peppers, and then they rode away.
But twenty-four robbers came back the next day.
I asked them what they wanted,
I didn’t have peppers, so they took a cob of corn,
And twenty-four robbers said “ See you in the morn!”
Just this morn, not the morn before,
I asked them what they wanted, and this is what they said…
I didn’t have corns, but I had a little flour.
They put it in their sack and said “See you in an hour!”
Not this hour, but the hour before,
I opened my door. I saw they had a pot.
And twenty-four robbers said “We like you a lot!”“You gave us your peppers! You gave us your corn!
You gave us your flour, early in the morn!”
Now here is what they did, and this is all true.
They gave me a pot of hot pepper stew.
“H-O-T…HOT peppers!”
此外,也利用了內文讓孩子找rhyming words(押韻的字). 例如: before-door; away-day; corn/morn…etc. 還學了 –ew的發音( stew / new / few / chew). 感覺孩子今天學得很充實,我自己也教得很開心. 畢竟能讓孩子主動要求一唸再唸的事情也不是每天發生. So that’s the highlight of my day ^^!
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