Reading Level: Ages 4~8
當第一次看完The Quiet Book,就想說一定也要把The Loud Book買回來收藏. 這決定是對的! 這兩本繪本的內容真是太可愛了,畫風又非常的細膩. 這讓我頭一次有想要抱著書入睡的衝動. 我覺得這兩本繪本的可愛之處是在於深動的描繪了許多孩子們天真無邪的行為和他們從中得到滿足及樂趣的畫面 (Well, not all the pictures are the happy ones in The Quiet Book). 希望自己不管年紀再大也能保持一顆像孩子一樣的心,那樣對我來說是件再幸福不過的事了!
Google了一下,發現The Loud Book的圖片沒有像The Quiet Book那麼多. 不過我倒想把它的內文全打出來好來讓大家想像一下每種吵的畫面…
There are lots of louds:
alarm clock loud
last slurp loud (吃東西的聲音)
uncle Alexander’s old car loud
walking-to-school song loud
burp during quiet time loud (打嗝)
fire truck day at school loud
surprise loud
dropping your lunch tray loud
home run loud
oops loud
unexpected entrance loud
applause loud (鼓掌)
crowed pool loud
belly flop loud (肚子先著水的跳水動作)
thunderstorm loud
candy wrapper loud
spilling your marbles in the library loud (散落)
good crash loud (在繪本裡是指保齡球瓶被推倒的聲音)
bad crash loud
deafening silence loud (使聽不見; 圖畫裡畫著孩子故意吃餅乾吃得很大聲,好蓋過媽媽碎碎唸的聲音(小孩怎麼都這麼精呀!?))
garage avalanche loud (崩塌)
parade in the park loud
ants loud
aunt Tillie’s banjo band loud
fireworks loud
cracking campfire loud (營火)
collapsing tent loud (倒塌的帳棚)
snoring sister loud
crickets loud (蟋蟀)