今天和小三的孩子做了這本讀本You Can’t Taste a Pickle With Your Ear.
孩子一開始以為是要聽繪本,所以就很開心自動的在教室前圍坐在一起. 當我說 “ You’re going to read it by yourself today!” 孩子又很自動的回去座位準備好自己讀. (這班的孩子真的是好好帶喔!連上次來幫我代課的Tr. Cathy也說這群孩子很主動也很認真呢!)
這本讀本的作家和插畫家分別是Harriet Ziefert & Amanda Haley. 我一直很喜歡她們的組合.因為一個寫的文字很適合學習英文的孩子做讀的練習,另一個則是把圖畫得很深動又有趣,讓孩子會更想讀它們. (點進去會在博客來看到更多她們搭配的作品喔!)
光聽這麼無理頭的書名你猜得出來內容在講什麼嗎? 它在封面上有特別註明: A Book about Your 5 Senses. 總共有五個單元來解釋我們的感官功能: to smell, to see, to taste, to hear and to touch. 文字敘述不難,讓這些每個星期上不到5小時英文課的小三孩子們也能在不吃力的情況下用英文學習自然科學的常識.
今天上的兩個部份分別是 序 – Introduction 和 鼻子的功能 . 在開始的部份先敘述了五個感官的基本功能和他們是如何運作的(如下):
“Senses tell people and animals about the world around them. They warn them of danger. You use your senses to smell, touch, hear, see and taste. Your nose, skin, ears, eyes and tongue are working all of the time, even when you are not paying attention to them…”
“ If you smell food cooking, it might make you want to eat something. If you smell something bad, you might lose your *appetite. (從這段敘述裡大部份的孩子都猜到了appetite這個字是胃口或食慾這兩個意思. 你說說看,這樣的學習單字方式是不是比單純記憶字義來得有趣又容易多呀?)
單元結束前還有有趣的rhyme可以讀. 這部份雖然跟自然科學沒什麼關係,但卻大大增加了孩子想要唸它的動力. 再搭配上可愛的插圖孩子就能比較容易理解韻文裡的意思. 你來唸唸看就懂我個明白囉^.^!
“ Dad drinks coffee. Mom drinks tea. Neither drink smells good to me.
My nose tells me and it doesn’t lie, grandma’s baking an apple pie.
When you’re tired and think you’re sweet, pull off your socks and smell your feet.
In her lunch box Susie packs, salami, pickles and cheese snacks.
Wind and waves, shells and sand, the salt air smells oh so grand.
Strawberry bubbles in my tube. First I’ll soak, then I’ll scrub.
My nose knows when Spot walks by, if his fur is wet or dry.”
下課後Amber馬上跑來問我書的作者. 能有一個愛看書的孩子和愛買書的媽媽,這搭配簡直是棒透了! 只是不好意思,又要害Amber媽媽破費了!
另外兩本讀本是,插畫家是同一人,但是作家是Fred Ehrlich, M.D.:
You Can’t See a Dodo at the Zoo
(A Book About Animals Endangered and Extinct)
You Can’t Take Your Body to a Repair Shop
(A Book About What Make You Sick)