這學期即將尾聲,想把和孩子(大部份是中班~小二)這學期分享過的繪本在這做個記錄,也給正在找故事和畫風都有趣的家長還有老師们做參考. 點圖就會連結到博客來看到更多的書介,或可以利用書名google其他人對繪本的評價和介紹喔!
A Bit Lost
Children Make Terrible Pets
I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed
I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato
Farmyard Beat
Wolf Won't Bite
I Don't Want to Be a Pea
The Cow That Laid an Egg
Oh,No! George!
Hueys in the Sweater
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
The Pigeon Find a Hot Dog
The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?
Elizabite, Adventures of a Carnivorous Plant
The Shopping Basket
Mommy Doesn't Know My Name
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes
Duck! Rabbit!
Doodle Bites
Where's Tumpty?
Mad at Mommy
The Fantastic Mr. Wani
There was a Bold Lady Who Wanted a Star