今天又讀到了一本久久讓我不能自己的繪本 – The Heart and The Bottle (害怕受傷的心)這個題材有關於-死亡和失去 - 是如此的沉重,但Oliver Jeffers卻延續了他可愛的畫風和簡單的筆觸把失去致愛的人那心痛的感覺如此清楚的描述出來. 我邊讀給小二的家教孩子聽,邊壓抑著心裡激動的情緒,不過眼淚還是忍不住掉下來了. 孩子不懂那張 “empty chair”所隱藏的意思. 後來問起,她還以為故事中的爺爺只是暫時離開去做些甚麼事了! 我跟孩子說長大了以後一定要再把這繪本拿起來再讀一讀,到時會有更深刻的領悟的.
Once there was a girl, much like any other,
whose head was filled with all the curiosities of the world.
With thoughts of the stars.
With wonder at the sea.
She took delight in finding new things…
Until the day she found an empty chair.
Feeling unsure, the girl thought the best thing was to put her heart in a safe place.
Just for the time being.
So, she put it in a bottle and hung it around her neck…
And that seemed to fix things…
At first.
Although in truth, nothing was the same.
She forgot about the stars…
And stopped taking notice of the sea.
She was no longer filled with all the curiosities of the world and didn’t take much notice of anything…
Other than how heavy…
And awkward the bottle had become.
But at least her heart was safe.
It might never have occurred to the girl what to do had she not met someone smaller and still curious about the world.
There was a time when the girl would have known how to answer her.
But not now.
Not without her heart.
And it was right at that moment she decided to get it back out of the bottle.
But didn’t know how.
She couldn’t remember.
And nothing seemed to work.
The bottle couldn’t be broken.
It just bounced and rolled…
Right down to the sea.
But there, it occurred to someone smaller and still curious about the world that she might know a way.
And it just so happened…
She did.
The heart was put back where it came from.
And the chair wasn’t so empty anymore.
- The End -
生命是有限的,但回憶是永恆的. 要好好記住和心愛的人相處的每分每秒喔!
這裡有The Heart and The Bottle for IPad