1. Alphabet & Numbers Puzzle Pairs: 適合給正在學習認字母和學習自然發音(Phonics)的孩子使用.
"Emergent readers can match letters with words and dots to numbers. The directions in this game offer six ways to play. Upper and lower case letters are matched to an object beginning with that letter. Numeral pieces fit into corresponding pieces with dots. Ages 3+"
- 36 puzzle pairs
2. Simple Words Puzzle Pairs: 適合給正在學習認字母和學習自然發音(Phonics)的孩子使用.
"A Pre-Reading Activity:
Long before children can “read” they begin to recognize individual words. When an adult reads a word, and a child selects a picture of that word to make a complete puzzle, a greater connection is made. 24 sturdy puzzle pieces with inviting illustrations of the simple words. Ages 3+"
- 25 puzzle pairs
3. Rhyming Words Puzzle Pairs :適合給已學會一些基本拼音組合的孩子使用,在邊玩邊練習的情況下更熟悉這些拼音組合.
"Match the words that sound the same. When children recognize words that rhyme they’ve mastered a critical auditory pre-reading skill. When the two puzzle pieces are connected, the printed words are side-by-side, reinforcing the awareness that groups of letters are associated with the rhyming sounds. This game promotes that knowledge with familiar words and appealing pictures. Matching house to mouse and truck to duck offers reinforcing repetition in a game that everyone enjoys. Ages 3+"
- 25 puzzle pairs
4. Read to Me Puzzle Pairs:
當孩子已具備一些基本的拼音技巧後,可以透過這盒遊戲盒開始認識一些常見字(sight words),把拼音和認字的技巧搭配起來應用就是真正英文閱讀的開始囉!
"Preschoolers who like to build puzzles will enjoy this unique puzzle game that offers pairs of a sentence and an image that it describes to piece together. Those who are ready to read will be learning words and sentence structure as they match the pairs and identify all the sentence elements in the picture. Once the pieces are paired, preschoolers will love “reading” along, as adults repeat the sentences. Younger children will enjoy playing this game with a “reader.” Ages 3+"
- 36 puzzle pairs
5. Alphabet Phonics Cards:
這套娛樂的性質比較少以教具的功能居多,我超極推薦這盒的! 每個剛開始學習Phonics(自然發音)的孩子都應該來一盒(用紙非硬頁紙,所以不建議讓寶寶使用喔!). 有些字母有發兩種音,像是字母c在city和cat的單字裡的發音是不一樣的,而這套字母卡把所有有不同發音的字母都分類出來了. 這套是我目前收集的字母卡裡,內容做得最細的一套. 此外,還有其他一些基本的Phonics組合可以跟著學喔! (例如: sh / ch / cl /dr...etc)
"The 45 cards compiled by Reading Spesialist Dr. Sarah Brown show upper and lower case letters, and a labeled object that starts with the letter shown. This set of large flash cards is an excellent way to reinforce learning the letters and their sound/symbol relationship. Ages 5+"
- 45 flash cards
- 2 parent cards
6. I Never Forget an Animal's Face Matching Game
這盒記憶翻牌遊戲的插圖畫得非常有質感,我家3歲兒子怎麼玩它都玩不膩,更棒的是大人跟著一起玩也會覺得很有趣, 如果有考慮找全家人可以一起玩的遊戲盒,我一定會推薦這一盒. 建議遊戲年齡是五歲以上,不過實際的使用發現2歲的孩子(在大人的協助下)也可以玩翻牌配對喔!
"Easily recognizable animal faces are fun to find as players turn over pairs of tiles, searching for a matching pair. Children and adults alike enjoy this game of memory and observation skills. Ages 5+"
- 24 pairs to match
- Sharpens Recognition and Memory skills
7. Classic Bingo Game
這盒遊戲盒裡共有6片不同的遊戲板(game boards)和48片小圖卡,包含的單字有關於:自然,交通工具,食物,動物,服裝和顏色, 孩子可以從這個經典的遊戲中來認識並學習更多的英文單字. 孩子對這盒遊戲盒的反應也都很不錯!
"Bingo is a great way to encourage vocabulary development. This game includes cards that show images of nature, vehicles, things related to going to market, animals, clothing and colors. Preschoolers will enjoy playing while they are refining their language skills. Ages 5+"
- 6 game boards
- 48 tiles
- Includes real cloth bag
8. eeBoo Cupcake Game
比賽看誰先把製作蛋糕的材料找齊,先完成的就是贏家囉! 如果玩家不小心轉到了"rotten egg - 壞蛋" 就得把自己手邊有的材料卡釋出一張.透過遊戲,孩子還能同時學到不少跟製作糕點相關的英文單字呢!
9. eeBoo Spin Me a Rainbow Game
比賽看誰把自己紙板上的顏色找齊(總共有7種顏色),先完成的就是贏家囉! 孩子還可以同時認識不同的形狀喔!
10. eeBoo 面具遊戲盒 (小木屋款)
11. eeBoo 面具遊戲盒 (森林款)