原本學校計劃好的戶外教學因為颱風的關係被取消了,只好臨時找另外一個同事和我幫孩子上課.所以今天上了八堂的story class. 雖然喜歡講故事,但是連續講了八堂課 我的喉嚨很不開心.
收藏的繪本裡有一本我好喜歡,喜歡到想要把它當作傳家之寶給他傳下去. 書名是 "The Diary of Hansel and Gretel". 它是由"糖果屋"的故事所改寫的一本立體書 (Pop-up Book).藉由Gretel寫日記的方式來敘述這個故事.孩子每次看到這本書都會很興奮,因為它是立體的, 所以對他們來說很稀奇.對於我,它不只是設計生動,還因為Gretel (妹妹)在改寫的故事裡聽起來"很大人",讓我覺得很有趣!
(1) "Some plan! Hansel threw pieces of bread on the ground. He told me that we would find our way back home by following the trail of breadcrumbs. Like the birds would not eat them! It's nighttime now. Hansel is trying to find the breadcrumb trail by moonlight, but all the breadcrumbs are gone! Just list I told him!"
(2) "Hansel wanted to run away, but that's because he is chicken. I stayed cool and said, 'And you are...?'"
(3) "So I put the oven on for the old witch. Piece of cake! Then the witch told me to climb into the oven to see if it was hot enough. AS IF I'M CRAZY!!"