Reading Level: Ages 4~8
和家教的小二孩子讀了Fish Wish讀本後,我就忍不住多買了幾本同個繪本家(Elliot Kreloff)畫的讀本,因為真的是太可愛了,孩子也因此看得特別投入,所以我想這樣的投資是值得的J!
今天我們讀的這本是 Where Are We Going?孩子和我都覺得這本讀本的故事情節比Fish Wish來得更有趣. 而且我想有讀過We’re Going on a Bear Hunt (封面如下)這本繪本的孩子應該會覺得故事情節的相似度超高的.
讀本的內容在敘述一群動物要克服不同的挑戰才能穿過(through)竹林,越過(across)小溪,還要從怪獸的動穴裡逃走. 這本讀本裡面使用了好幾個介系詞,也可以利用這本讀本介紹孩子一些介系詞的意思和使用方式.
Where are we going?
What’s this?
It’s bamboo.
Can’t walk around it.
Can’t jump over it.
Have to walk through it!
Now what’s this?
It’s a stream.
Can’t walk around it.
Can’t jump across it.
Have to sail across it.
Now what’s this?
It’s thick mud.
Can’t dig under it.
Can’t walk over it.
Have to slosh (在泥中蕩或濺) through it.
Now what’s this?
It’s a cave.
What’s inside?
It looks like a tail.
It looks like the tail of…
I’m getting out of here.
But I can’t walk over it.
I can’t walk around it.
So I’ll have to get ahead of it.
Run! Run!
Run! Run! Run! Run!
Where are we going now?